AMS Decomp Status:

Symbols: 39 symbols found across 3 source files
Functions: 13/15/10 of 25 total (complete/matching/failed)
ROM calls: 12/14/0/6 of 20 total (complete/matching/variable/failed)
Bytes matching: 0 B/506 B/506 B (data/function/total)

Detail view:

Symbols in _rom_call_tab.c:
__jmp_table: Failed Address: 0x88741a
Size: 6 KiB
Uses: DerefSym(), FreeHandles(), HLock(), HeapAvail(), HeapCompress(), HeapDeref(), HeapEnd(), HeapFree(), HeapGetHandle(), HeapGetLock(), HeapMax(), HeapPtrToHandle(), HeapSize(), HeapUnlock(), MakeHSym(), SymCmp(), SymCpy(), SymCpy0(), memchr(), memcmp(), memcpy(), memmove(), memset(), memucmp()
Symbols in heap.c:
compute_alloc_size(): Complete Address: 0x8af94a
Size: 40 B
Used by: *FUN_008af972()
*DAT_00007faf: Uninitialized Address: 0x7faf
Used by: HeapGetHandle()
*DAT_00007fb6: Uninitialized Address: 0x7fb6
Used by: HeapUnlock()
*DAT_00007fc2: Uninitialized Address: 0x7fc2
Used by: *FUN_008af972(), *HeapAvailMaxInner(), HeapUnlock()
*DAT_00007fc8: Uninitialized Address: 0x7fc8
Used by: HeapGetHandle()
FreeHandles(): Complete Address: 0x8b0486
Rom call: 0x23B
Size: 50 B
Uses: HeapAddrs, MaxHandles
Used by: __jmp_table
*FUN_008af972(): Failed Address: 0x8af972
Size: 502 B
Uses: compute_alloc_size(), *DAT_00007fc2, *heap_freelist_start, HeapEndPtr
Used by: *FUN_008b0336()
*FUN_008afe82(): Failed Address: 0x8afe82
Size: 238 B
Uses: *heap_freelist_start, HeapEndPtr
Used by: *FUN_008b0336()
*FUN_008b0336(): Failed Address: 0x8b0336
Size: 168 B
Uses: *FUN_008af972(), *FUN_008afe82(), memmove(), HeapAddrs, MaxHandles
Used by: HeapGetHandle()
*heap_freelist_start: Uninitialized Address: 0x7fba
Used by: *FUN_008af972(), *FUN_008afe82(), *HeapAvailMaxInner(), HeapGetHandle()
HeapAddrs: Uninitialized Address: 0x7fce
Used by: *FUN_008b0336(), DerefSym(), FreeHandles(), HLock(), HeapDeref(), HeapGetHandle(), HeapGetLock(), HeapLock(), HeapPtrToHandle(), HeapSize(), HeapUnlock(), MakeHSym()
HeapAvail(): Matches Address: 0x8aeabe
Rom call: 0x8F
Size: 14 B
Uses: *HeapAvailMaxInner()
Used by: __jmp_table
*HeapAvailMaxInner(): Failed Address: 0x8af8a2
Size: 164 B
Uses: *DAT_00007fc2, *heap_freelist_start, HeapEndPtr
Used by: HeapAvail(), HeapMax()
HeapCompress(): Empty Address: 0x8affdc
Rom call: 0x95
Used by: HeapMax(), __jmp_table
HeapDeref(): Complete Address: 0x8af2b4
Rom call: 0x96
Size: 20 B
Uses: HeapAddrs
Used by: __jmp_table
HeapEnd(): Complete Address: 0x8aea4c
Rom call: 0xA1
Size: 8 B
Uses: HeapEndPtr
Used by: __jmp_table
HeapEndPtr: Uninitialized Address: 0x7fbe
Used by: *FUN_008af972(), *FUN_008afe82(), *HeapAvailMaxInner(), HeapEnd()
HeapFree(): Empty Address: 0x8aebd0
Rom call: 0x97
Used by: HeapGetHandle(), __jmp_table
HeapGetHandle(): Failed Address: 0x8b01c6
Rom call: 0x239
Size: 348 B
Uses: *FUN_008b0336(), HeapFree(), memset(), *DAT_00007faf, *DAT_00007fc8, *heap_freelist_start, HeapAddrs, MaxHandles
Used by: __jmp_table
HeapGetLock(): Complete Address: 0x8af1f4
Rom call: 0x9A
Size: 40 B
Uses: HeapAddrs
Used by: __jmp_table
HeapLock(): Complete Address: 0x8af1c6
Rom call: 0x9A
Size: 46 B
Uses: HeapAddrs
Used by: HLock()
HeapMax(): Matches Address: 0x8aeacc
Rom call: 0x9C
Size: 20 B
Uses: *HeapAvailMaxInner(), HeapCompress()
Used by: __jmp_table
HeapPtrToHandle(): Complete Address: 0x8aee42
Rom call: 0x23A
Size: 46 B
Uses: HeapAddrs, MaxHandles
Used by: __jmp_table
HeapSize(): Complete Address: 0x8aeb86
Rom call: 0x9E
Size: 46 B
Uses: HeapAddrs
Used by: __jmp_table
HeapUnlock(): Failed Address: 0x8af21c
Rom call: 0x9F
Size: 76 B
Uses: *DAT_00007fb6, *DAT_00007fc2, HeapAddrs
Used by: __jmp_table
HLock(): Complete Address: 0x8af1a6
Rom call: 0x99
Size: 32 B
Uses: HeapLock(), HeapAddrs
Used by: __jmp_table
MaxHandles: Uninitialized Address: 0x7fb8
Used by: *FUN_008b0336(), FreeHandles(), HeapGetHandle(), HeapPtrToHandle()
Symbols in string.c:
memchr(): Empty Address: 0x963b34
Rom call: 0x273
Used by: __jmp_table
memcmp(): Failed Address: 0x963b78
Rom call: 0x270
Size: 62 B
Used by: __jmp_table
memcpy(): Empty Address: 0x963bc0
Rom call: 0x26A
Used by: __jmp_table
memmove(): Empty Address: 0x963cf4
Rom call: 0x26B
Used by: *FUN_008b0336(), __jmp_table
memset(): Failed Address: 0x963a5c
Rom call: 0x27C
Size: 200 B
Used by: HeapGetHandle(), __jmp_table
memucmp(): Failed Address: 0x86a466
Rom call: 0x3CC
Size: 68 B
Used by: __jmp_table
Symbols in vat.c:
DerefSym(): Complete Address: 0x931ee4
Rom call: 0x79
Size: 42 B
Uses: HeapAddrs
Used by: __jmp_table
MakeHSym(): Complete Address: 0x93263a
Rom call: 0x282
Size: 44 B
Uses: HeapAddrs
Used by: __jmp_table
SymCmp(): Failed Address: 0x9322b0
Rom call: 0x81
Size: 56 B
Used by: __jmp_table
SymCpy(): Complete Address: 0x9322e8
Rom call: 0x82
Size: 30 B
Used by: SymCpy0(), __jmp_table
SymCpy0(): Complete Address: 0x932306
Rom call: 0x83
Size: 28 B
Uses: SymCpy()
Used by: __jmp_table

Also see generated documentation